Saturday, January 30, 2010

mmmm takeout...

What with being stuck in the apt sick lately, and not always in the mood to cook (sometimes a gal needs a break!), I've been completing many takeout missions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

finally...yerba buena!

Let me just start by saying that we have been talking about going to Yerba Buena (Ave. A at E. 2nd St.) pretty much since we moved here 2 1/2 years ago. Last Sunday was the perfect occasion - we surprised Cherry Cupcake with a drunk birthday brunch! Her birthday is on Christmas Eve so she's usually at home with her family and not out getting rowdy with her friends, so Cannelle and TexMex Surprise planned a surprise brunch. They tricked Cherry Cupcake into thinking the brunch would only be the three of them, but they were super clever and invited all of Cherry Cupcake's friends in the city to a most excellent brunch. She was completely surprised and we all had a great time with the bottomless drinks!

Yerba Buena serves all sorts of delicious Latin food. From traditional huevos rancheros (which Cherry got), to arepas (skip these if you go to YB - go for the arepas at Caracas instead), to a Cuban sandwich, Yerba Buena will do you right by Latin cuisine. Cannelle and I opted for traditional brunch dishes with a Latin twist - Cannelle got the Steak "a Caballo"

and I got the Benedict Yerba Buena.
Cannelle loved her dish, but I didn't get a chance to taste it. I was a little too absorbed in my meal to bother trying anyone else's, and oh my GOD, it was SOOOO delicious. YUM! The potato crisps weren't anything to write home about (and yet I ate them ALL), but the dressing on the salad was tasty - a little citrusy - and the Benedict YB was AMAZING. The "hollandaise" is their own take on the sauce and has jalepeno. The meat on the benedict was so all just went together perfectly.

Everyone was really happy with the bottomless drinks - they let you change, so if you pick sangria at first, you can get a mimosa next (which a lot of us did...). The sangria was soooo good!

Someone at a table nearby heard it was Cherry's birthday and sent her over a totally amazing and truly bizarre drink - something called a Poquito Picante. According to YB's menu, it's tanqueray gin, jalapeno, cilantro, cucumber, cointreau liqueur and fresh lemon juice. It managed to be spicy, sour, and soothing simultaneously - and I usually hate gin-based drinks! You should absolutely give it a try - unfortunately it's not a part of bottomless cocktails, but it's totally worth a try.

We ended the meal with some Funfetti cupcakes - Cherry's fave! As great as it is to make things from scratch, I just don't think it's easy to top Pillsbury's Funfetti mix.

All in all, a fantastic experience! On top of the amazing food, the waitstaff was very attentive as well. Two thumbs up!


Thursday, January 7, 2010


Cannelle is totally beating me in the posting since we started this. So here's one of my new year's resolutions - BE A BETTER BLOGGER!

Luckily, I've been documenting my cooking, baking and eating adventures throughout the year so I have plenty of material to work with. Another resolution is to continue my cooking, baking and eating adventures, so there will be EVEN MORE to post. Get ready.

Over break I was very diligent in this pursuit - I was baking all day long on Christmas day, baking rugelach (I opted for raspberry filling though),

chocolate peppermint bark shortbread cookies,

and an apple pie.

Which was consumed before I could take a picture of it. But it is TRULY amazing - Martha Stewart's favorite pie crust and the filling of Paula Deen's crunch top apple pie. AMAZING. Try it. You will not be sorry. Just use 8 oz of applesauce instead of 16 oz that Paula wants you to use. And double the crunch topping. Your belly will thank you.

Another resolution of mine is to run a marathon this year. Unfortunately, I think I'll be cutting back on the treats once I start training, but that's not going to be for quite a few months. So until then, I resolve to bake more treats!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

resolutions and hangover remedies

Happy New Year!  Went to brunch at the smith yesterday in hopes of seeing hot waiter...alas he was not working. didn't take a photo of my food as i was too busy enjoying my mimosa/catching up on girltalk with Potato Pie, but my chicken apple sausage dish wasn't as good as the steak and eggs i had there last time. the steak was juicy and thick (small, but still great for a breakfast steak)...unfortunately, with this dish, the poached eggs and sausage were set on spicy cornbread, and while the cornbread was great by itself, slathered in butter, the flavors didn't mesh that well.. the home fries, however, were to-die-for.