Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidayyyyys!

Miel and I made sure to stop by the Union Square Market and I insisted on trying some ebelskivers, since I am Danish and I owe it to my people to partake in some of their national delicacies. They were deeelish...and, I am shocked to say, I found the parts that were not doused in chocolate, raspberry jam, and powdered sugar to be the best, as you could then get the full effect of how moist (yes, I said it..) and doughy the ebelskiver itself was.

That night we hit up one of our fave spots, Bowery Electric for some oldies, dancing, and drinks, and the next day (Sunday), took me and our pal *Cherry Cupcake to Little Poland for some hangover latkes and a recap of the night. They were not authentic or gourmet, but mannnn were they fried and carby and good!! Cherry Cupcake then forced me to go shopping for her girlfriend's bachelorette party at one of the many classy establishments dotting St Mark's Place...which may or may not have scarred me for life. 

Well at least the latkes were yummy.  Here are some pics!! Happy Holidays :o)

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